The EDQ website has now a mobile version optimized for tablets. Get the feel of European Data Quarterly on your mobile device and let us know if we can improve this version of the site.
We announce the official launch of European Data Quarterly! Now we accept both data and ppolicy papers. For the preparation of your paper see the EDQ Submission Guidance.
The team of the publisher of European Data Quarterly -- Procon Ltd. -- agreed on the design of the front cover of the journal. In a simple layout it features some of the fields to be covered by this new publication.
The small team of likeminded researchers, forming the nucleus of the Editorial Board of the forthcoming European Data Quarterly, agreed on the journal logo. This logo will be used on the journal website, printed materials and in establishing presence in social networks.
The small team of likeminded researchers, forming the nucleus of the forthcoming data journal, reached unanymous agreemed on the journal's name - European Data Quarterly. The second key decision was to orient the journal to data, that is relevant to the formulation,...